What are your best sleepover memories?

My best sleepover memories are from giant birthday party sleepovers with my friends when I was little. My best friend growing up was named Madisan. Her birthday is in early September, so every year she would have tons of girls over for a sleepover. The parties would also have a theme (Camp Rock, Barbie, ect.) and her mom would make a cake, and have cute decorations scattered throughout the house. We always did a craft too; I remember making picture frames, coloring t-shirts with sharpies, and even decorating cupcakes. At the cupcake birthday party, we of course all ran outside to smash them in each others' faces.

My favorite sleepover party Madisan ever had was one of her last ones (she always has a birthday party, but now they aren't quite as big). At this party, we planned to "slumber" the first person who fell asleep. Poor Bella fell asleep, and we put shaving cream all over her hair and face. She was so shocked and upset that she had to take a shower in the middle of the night! These sleepovers were also always filled with dance parties to Katy Perry, laughter, and fun, which kind of makes me miss being little. Now that I'm older, I still have sleepovers, but they are very different from the ones I used to attend. These are filled with new friends and less arts and crafts, but I still love to spend time together when ever they spend the night at my house!


  1. I also loved sleepovers like this when I was little. Except i was the one to fall asleep! Watch out for run on sentences. Good job.

  2. I used to love having sleep overs when I was little, too! I like that you described multiple different sleep overs you had with your friend Madisan. Great post!

  3. I relate to this so much. I loved when a friend's birthday or mine was coming up because I always anticipated the sleepover and party that came with it! Great job on your topic and supporting it with vivid details :)

  4. I also have many fun memories from sleepovers as a kid! I loved the excitement that built up at birthday parties and sleepovers. Good job describing the different types of activities the party would have!


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