Flash Fiction

   Lilly was nervous for her first day of sixth grade. She had to leave all of her friends behind in Denver, and was worried about making new ones in Los Angeles. Hopefully everyone was nice to her.
   Jim was so excited for his first day of sixth grade. He was in middle school now. His brother told Jim all about his awesome middle school experiences. Jim rushed outside just in time to catch the bus.
   Lilly walked into her homeroom teacher's classroom five minutes early. She figured it would be good to introduce herself. Mrs. Cunningham was hidden behind at least 40 textbooks. They were labeled "Life Science." Lilly sighed, she hated life science.
   Jim waltzed into Mrs. Cunningham's class a minute after the bell rang. His brother had the same sixth grade teacher. He knew she wasn't strict. Jim was laughing with his friends, when he noticed an unfamiliar face sitting next to the window. He walked toward the girl.
   Lilly took out her notebook while Mrs. Cunningham wrote her name in big swirly letters on the blackboard. She already regretted the seat she had chosen. It was way too bright next to the window.


  1. You did a really nice job of using vivid details to make the reader feel as if they are experiencing the moment. Great story!

  2. I love this story because it shows the perspective between two different characters! Good use of details :)

  3. I love this story, and it's use of the perspectives of very different characters. I can really relate to Jim, as I was also really excited for my first day school, but made some friends with new kids.

  4. I like how this story portrays two different people. You had great vivid details throughout.

  5. Good job! The details and the way you told the story was very interesting!


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