ATDPTI Reading Response

   So far, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie has been an interesting book. At first I thought it was going to be one of those cheesy novels, but it actually isn't. The story reveals the harsh life of a boy named Junior. Junior is an Native American Indian that lives on a reservation. I didn't realize how tough life was for Native Americans. I had no clue that the people living on those reservations face many hardships. I really enjoy ATDPTI because it gives me a better understanding of what life is like on a reservation, and it makes me appreciate the things that I have.
   I also enjoy that the novel includes cartoons. It adds character and lightens up the tough story-line. In addition to cartoons, the characters are all very well-developed. the author does a good job of describing everyone that Junior comes into contact with. I also think it is unique that the story is written as Junior's diary. The reader gets to see Junior's feelings and emotions throughout the entire story. Overall, the book has a good start, and I am interested to see how things will play out.


  1. I agree that the pictures add humor to the tough story-line and the characters are well developed, good job!


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