Research Post

Thesis: Eleanor of Aquitaine was the greatest female ruler ever to govern in Medieval Europe because of her unique inheritance, queenship in France, and her influence on the crown and court of England.

   For my research project, I chose Eleanor of Aquitaine. I chose this person because after briefly discussing her in History, I wanted to learn more about her life. As it turns out, Eleanor's life is extremely interesting. I am really glad that I chose this topic because there is plenty to write about, and her life is sort of like a reality tv show. In addition to being very dramatic, Eleanor of Aquitaine left an amazing legacy on chivalry and courtly love that carried itself into the Renaissance.
   Eleanor began making history at the young age of fifteen when she shockingly became the heir to her father's duchy. During the twelfth century it was very uncommon for women to inherit things. After becoming the duchess of lands larger than those held by the king of France, Eleanor was approached by many suitors. In order to remain a vassal of France, Eleanor married the king of France's son. Louis and Eleanor were only sixteen when they became monarchs. On a trip to Jerusalem to fight in the Second Crusade, Eleanor and Louis stopped in Antioch. Once there, they were met by Eleanor's uncle, Raymond of Poitiers. Not long after arriving at Raymond's castle, he and Eleanor were rumored to be having an affair! Louis was furious and refused protect Antioch with his army. Eleanor was also mad, and after her divorce from Louis, she married his rival the king of England to get back at him.
   This is only half of what occurred during Eleanor's lifetime. I am really happy with my topic, and I hope that everyone else is too.


  1. Wow, your topic sounds very interesting! The fact that she became an heir to her father's duchy at fifteen is quite impressive as well. I am very interested in your topic, and would like to learn more about her!

  2. Your research paper seems very interesting. It's always neat to learn about important young females doing things no one has before. I would love to hear more about your topic.


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