Fall Break Free Post

   Fall break was a new thing for me this year. At my old school we had Columbus Day off, but not two days! I was so excited to have a break from the business of school. My life has been non-stop as we approach the end of the first quarter. I have been so busy with after school sports and homework it was definitely time to sleep in. My little sister was jealous since she still had school.
  On Thursday I slept in until about 9 am. Later that day, my mom and I went shopping. First, we picked up my sister's halloween costume. Then, we went shopping for shoes. After no luck at DSW, we went to the mall. Luckily I found some perfect shoes at Dillards, so we celebrated with lunch and cookies. Friday was my day to relax. I slept in late and had Mexican for dinner. On Saturday, I finished my homework and went to my friend's house. I hadn't seen her in awhile, so it was good to catch up. We babysat her little sister while her mom was out. Overall, my fall break was very relaxing and well spent.


  1. That sounds like a great, fun, and relaxing break. I wish mine was like that. Mine was full of homework, cross country meets, and flu shots...

  2. My fall break was relaxing too. I was excited to get to sleep in and not have to worry about homework and tests. Good job!

  3. I was so glad we had a break from school too! Sounds like a relaxing break :)


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