Describe a time when you were very scared

  During last year's flood, our power had gone out. My family didn't worry because we were used to the power being out. Earlier that day, I had gotten a text from a friend that lives in my neighborhood, saying that there were some men going around trying to rob empty houses. I didn't think anything of the text because something like that had never happened in our neighborhood before. I remember it being pretty dark outside, so it must have been around eight pm. I was sitting on the couch with my dog when I heard a bang on the door. Then I saw a shadow pop up in front of the door, along with more banging. My mom rushed my sister and I into her room, while my dad went to investigate.
   My mom manually set off the alarm in an attempt to scare away the attempted burglar. I was supposed to call 911. It was my first time every having to call the police. My sister was freaking out, and I was shaking holding the dog. It took the police almost twenty minutes to get to our house, due to roads being closed because of the flooding. It seemed to me like two hours. When they arrived, they searched the perimeter and found nothing. We were to shaken up to sleep at the house, so we called our friends who didn't flood. They were extremely gracious, and let us spend the night. The next morning, my dad checked the security cameras, but sadly the face of our burglar was blurry. The crazy thing was, the AT&T truck was on the next street over fixing the power while all of this was happening, so they saw the burglar running away.


  1. Wow! I'm glad you and your family stayed safe. You did a great job of providing a detailed description that fit the prompt.

  2. This is crazy! That must have been so hard to stay calm. I like how you added the part about the AT&T truck seeing the burglar, it made for a twist ending.

  3. This sounds so scary! I liked how you described that night. Good job!

  4. I loved the way you described your feelings. I bet this was really scary! Good job!

  5. You had such good detail. This sounds so scary!!


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