Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina took place on August 29, 2005. It struck the south with full force winds and storms causing extreme damage. Damage not just to homes but to everything. Rain caused levees to breach, thus creating catastrophic flooding which left many people homeless, with serious injuries, or even death. The storm struck New Orleans particularly hard. Almost 80% of the city was underwater. Any system of drainage was overwhelmed by water, thus failing to work. The poor had nowhere to go and no supplies to keep them there. It was one of the worst storms ever to hit the United States. The aftermath was devastating for anyone to hear about let alone experience.
    I was two years old when Katrina hit. I only remember my aunt, uncle, and cousin coming to stay with us. They had lost everything in the flood. Their only possessions were the things they had brought with them. The book, Blood Dazzler by Patricia Smith is a collection of poems about Hurricane Katrina. Out of the few poems that I read, I find Siblings the most interesting. Smith talks about each hurricane like they are siblings. She calls Katrina the crazy sister, "She was their odd sister, the blood dazzler." I think she means Katrina was the most deadly of all the siblings, or hurricanes. Katrina did not care who was in her path or what she was destroying. It was almost like she was out for blood. Her path was long and ruthless; it was a path of mass destruction and chaos.

Blood Dazzler


  1. Personified, Katrina was definitely a blood dazzler. That poem sounds really interesting, though. I'll have to read it!


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